Sunday 28 December 2014

CHRISTMAS / the extraordinary flame.

We had our first christmas away from home this year. We were lucky enough to be adopted by a few of Rory's friends up at Port Macquire. We had a beautiful meal and were shown love from a beautiful family. I did brave the shopping malls this year, but not until a few days after Christmas, and for necessities such as a washing basket- how exciting!

In the hype of Christmas and the increasingly consumerist nature of the season, coupled with being away from our family and friends, I was able to reflect a little bit on the real meaning of Christmas to me personally, which in all reality should give me purpose not only in the "season to be jolly" (whatever that means), but in my every day. There is no better way to sum up my reflections over the last couple of weeks than to share a paragraph of a book I have been reading lately called 'Naked Spirituality' by Brian McLaren (I highly recommend). This is an extract from page 49-50:

"Moses is tending sheep in the middle of nowhere one day and sees a common bush filled with uncommon fire. He is drawn to the flame, not necessarily out of reverence - he's at something of a spiritual low point when the encounter happens - but out of curiosity. It's fascinating that God would self manifest in a flame, since by it's very nature mysterious, at once attractive and intriguing and in some ways scary and dangerous. It's equally fascinating that this extraordinary flame is fused with an ordinary bush. It's still more fascinating to think that the ordinary isn't destroyed by the extraordinary, or to put it differently, that this is a fire that doesn't consume; it burns but doesn't burn up - a curious paradox that draws Moses in."

I intentionally allowed myself to withdraw from the hype of Christmas this season. It was somewhat easier to do this year, as we didn't have to buy presents for anyone and we were (fortunately) looked after with a place to stay and beautiful food to eat. 

It's not just in the Christmas season where our energy can be directed away from the true purpose or intention of a season (this is also inclusive of personal seasons we go through in our lives). Within the noise of our everyday lives, we can often focus our energy on other things, that can consume us rather that grow us, and without us knowing, the places we focus our energy can somewhat (even if unintentionally) destroy us slowly. Whether this be focusing our energy on trying to prove ourselves, doubting ourselves, being caught up on what others think, stressing about work or money or health, or feeding the voices in our head that do nothing but burn us out; our energy can easily be depleted depending on how we focus/direct it. 

This extract above came as a timely reminder. I was able to stop in the middle of the hype of Christmas and again acknowledge the God that lives within me, walks beside me always, and resides ever so beautifully in everything around me. It is truly fascinating to think that an extraordinary God resides in an ever so ordinary me. Sometimes the only thing in between ourselves and the place God calls us to live from, is ourselves. I was able to see (like Moses) the flame of an extraordinary God burning but not consuming in the canvas of sea and trees and people that surrounded me this Christmas. I realised once again, that this same flame burns in me. When I realise this, I am developed rather than depleted and restored rather than ruined- I find "endless energy and boundless strength" (Ephesians 1:19) in whatever season I (or the world) is in. I am able to get out of my own way and gain perspective through giving my energy to God, rather than the many things that can distract and sometimes seek to destroy me. 

It is hard to put this into words, but the underlying message is that, alike to Moses, the flames of an extraordinary God reside all around us, and within every one of us. There is nothing that restores, redeems, strengthens and affirms more than an energy like this. There is nothing that loves and cares and brings more deep joy than the love of God who burns in us but never consumes us; a place where we can spend our energy, but never be spent (as can often happen at Christmas time). This joy of God can be found not only in the 'season to be jolly', but in every day of our lives.